C I V I L   E N G I N E E R I N G   •   L A N D   P L A N N I N G   •   S U R V E Y I N G   &   M A P P I N G   •   U T I L I T Y  P L A N N I N G

    Land Use Entitlements

    Site Development /
    Civil Engineering

    Surveying and Mapping

    Program and Construction 


Client: McCarthy Construction
Location: Santa Clarita, CA

DCA Civil Engineering Group provided land surveying, civil engineering and mapping services for the design build of the Parking Structure-1 (PS-1). PS-1 included six level (five levels above ground with one subterranean level), parking structure along the McBean Parkway frontage at Avenida Navarre. 

DCA Civil Engineering Group conducted a field survey for the preparation of an enhanced topographic survey for the PS-1 project area. The survey included detailed information at the perimeter “join” areas for the development. 

The consulting services included, street improvement plans and profile, striping and signage plans, street lights plans, traffic signal plans, street tree/landscaping
and irrigation plans, process quitclaim easements, coordination with the utility companies of any special requirements needed for the street improvements being proposed, hydrology study, grading plan set, storm drain plan and profile detail, SUSMP & SWPPP, sewer study report, private sewer relocation, legal descriptions and exhibits for right-of-way dedication, RFI’s, construction staking, scheduler and field engineering.

Parking Structure-1 - Henry Mayo Memorial Hospital


Parking Structure-1 - Henry Mayo Memorial Hospital

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