C I V I L   E N G I N E E R I N G   •   L A N D   P L A N N I N G   •   S U R V E Y I N G   &   M A P P I N G   •   U T I L I T Y  P L A N N I N G

    Land Use Entitlements

    Site Development /
    Civil Engineering

    Surveying and Mapping

    Program and Construction 

Client: Pacifica Hotel
Location: Jamaica Bay Inn

This project consist of the expansion and renovation of the 2.8-acre existing Best Western’s Jamaica Bay Inn in Marina del Rey, CA and future street widening of Admiralty Way. 

Renovation and expansion of the existing hotel, included 69 additional guest rooms (total of 111 guest rooms), an expanded and renovated restaurant, outdoor dining, new swimming pool and spa, patio, demolition of the existing one-story hotel building section and replacement with a four-story hotel building section, demolition of an existing one-story accessory building, new landscaping plan, and parking. 

The scope of the work included:
Boundary & topographic survey, utilities research and plotting, grading plans, horizontal control plan, composite utility plans, erosion control plan, storm drains design, sewer design, retaining wall design, off-site street improvement plan, SWPPP & SUSMP preparation, permitting hydrology/hydraulics report, utility coordination, field engineering, earthwork calculations, construction staking, RFI’s, and coordination with Los Angeles County Flood Control District for the connection to the County’s catch basin.

Jamaica Bay Inn


Jamaica Bay Inn

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